Limited Time! Sunset Glow - 36x24 Canvas for $149!!

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Across the Bay Photograph by Kristina Rinell

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Comments (67)

Christopher James

Christopher James

One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #11 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

lovely misty capture! nominated for a feature in the 1000 views group

Kim Tran

Kim Tran

Superb capture Kristina! l/f

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Kim :-)

Francis Sullivan

Francis Sullivan

Very lovely

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Francis :-)

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Kristina, beautiful capture. f/l

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Cindy :-)

Kristina Rinell

Kristina Rinell

Thanks, Mariola, for the feature of 'Across The Bay' in '500 Views' ... greatly appreciated :-)

Nicklas Gustafsson

Nicklas Gustafsson


Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Nicklas :-)

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

congrats on reaching 500+ views!

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Joan!

Kerri Farley

Kerri Farley


Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Kerri :-)

Carol R Montoya

Carol R Montoya

Very nice!

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Carol :-)

Terry Davis

Terry Davis

Wonderful, Kristina!

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Terry :-)

Lexa Harpell

Lexa Harpell

Gorgeous tones and mood Kristina!

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Lexa :-)

Kathy M Krause

Kathy M Krause

Stunning capture Kristina! Wow! So beautiful! L/F

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Kathy :-)

Kristina Rinell

Kristina Rinell

Thanks, Stefano, for the feature of 'Across The Bay' in '10 Plus' ... greatly appreciated :-)

I'ina Van Lawick

I'ina Van Lawick

Gorgeous, Kristina. Like a pastel drawing. lf

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, I'ina :-)

Molly McPherson

Molly McPherson

Wonderful composition! fv/l/p/fb

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Molly :-)

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Kristina, this is beautiful - great shot. f/l

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Cindy :-)

Joy McAdams

Joy McAdams

Congratulations Kristina! This fantastic photo has been chosen as a feature in the Pacific Northwest Artists group on Fine Art America! You are invited to post it to the featured image discussion thread as a permanent place to continue to get exposure even after it is no longer on the group home page.

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Joy, for featuring 'Across The Bay' in 'Pacific Northwest Artists' ... very much appreciated :-)

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Re-visit Kristina, Congratulations on your Feature in The 200 Club!...:)

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Donna :-)

Connie Fox

Connie Fox

Very nice minimalism, Kristina. Love the soft colors and serenity of this beautiful seascape! v

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Connie :-)

Yvonne Wright

Yvonne Wright

Oh so beautiful! Looks like a painting.

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Yvonne :-)

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your beautiful art being featured in the 200 Club! l/f

Kristina Rinell replied:

Thanks, Kay :-)

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Across the Bay by Kristina Rinell
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