Cape Meares Light

by Kristina Rinell
Cape Meares Light
Kristina Rinell
Photograph - Digital Photography
Cape Meares Lighthouse is located 10 miles west of Tillamook on the Oregon coast. The lens is a first order (meaning its inside diameter is 72 7/16 inches, the largest size) Fresnel lens made in Paris, France. It was shipped around Cape Horn, up the west coast to Cape Meares and then hauled 217 feet up the cliff by a wooden crane that was built from local timbers native to the area. It is an eight-sided lens with 4 primary lenses and 4 bull's-eye lenses with red panels covering the bull's-eye lenses. It produced about 30 seconds of fixed white light from the primary lens followed by a red flash of 5 seconds from the bull's-eye lens once every minute. This was the signature of Cape Meares Lighthouse. The primary lens produced 18,000 candlepower and the bull's-eye lens produced 160,000 candlepower. The light could be seen 21 nautical miles at sea.
Honored to be featured
in these FAA Galleries:
- Oregon Coast, July 2015
- WeatherUnderground Fans, July 2015
- Images That Excite You!, July 2015
- Pacific Coast, July 2015
- Lighthouses, July 2015
- The 200 Club, August 2016
- Sunsets and Sunrises of the World, March 2018
* Special Feature nominated by Peers - 1000 Views, 06/21/2019
A heartfelt Thank You to the administrators of these galleries :-)
©Kristina Rinell
July 5th, 2015
Similar Subjects
Comments (80)

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #11 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.

Kay Brewer
Congratulations on your lovely work reaching more than 500 views and graduating from the 200 Club! Tw

Kristina Rinell
Thanks, Tina, for the feature of 'Cape Meares Light' in 'Sunsets and Sunrises of the World' ... greatly appreciated :-)

Kay Brewer
Wow, Kristina, this is wonderful! Now you have to give your secret to this POV and closeup! l/f