Hotel De Haro 0690

by Kristina Rinell
Hotel De Haro 0690
Kristina Rinell
Photograph - Photography
Hotel De Haro is located in Roche Harbor on San Juan island, named after Captain de Haro. He and his crew became the first Europeans to sail among the forested San Juan Islands in 1787. In 1884 John S. McMillin, a Tacoma lawyer, discovered the richest and largest deposit of lime in the Northwest and began negotiations for their claims and property. By 1886 the Tacoma and Roche Harbor Lime Company was incorporated and becoming a large-scale American business. McMillin built the 20-room Hotel de Haro in 1886 and four years later a company town had grown up around the magnificent hotel. Today the area has become a popular place for boaters and vacationers.
Honored to be featured in these FAA Galleries
- No Place Like Home, November 2017
October 31st, 2017
Similar Subjects
Comments (26)

Laurie Search
What a charming and beautiful place!! Wonderful image!! I love the tones, color, and reflections!!! :)))vf

Jenny Revitz Soper
CONGRATULATIONS! This extraordinary piece has been FEATURED on the homepage of the FAA Artist Group No Place Like Home, 11/22/2017! Way to go! Please post it in the Group's /Features discussion thread for posterity and/or any other thread that fits!
Kristina Rinell replied:
Thanks, Jenny, for featuring 'Hotel De Haro' in 'No Place Like Home' .... greatly appreciated :-)