Proposal Rock 0631

by Kristina Rinell
Proposal Rock 0631
Kristina Rinell
Photograph - Digital Photography
Proposal Rock in Neskowin was named after Charles Gage proposed to Della Page on it around the turn of the century. Della's mother, Sarah Page, so named the rock. Atop the rock, there are some hidden trails meandering through the forest where the views are somewhat legendary. Watch the tide closely or you could get stranded. Part of the ghost forest is also visible in this photo.
Honored to be featured
in these FAA Galleries:
- Water Reflections Photography, August 2017
- Ocean Photography and Art, August 2017
- Water Water and Water, August 2017
- Lady Photographers and Artists, October 2017
- 10 Plus, July 2019
* Special Feature nominated by Peers - 1000 Views, 07/03/2019
A heartfelt Thank You to the administrators of these galleries :-)
©Kristina Rinell
August 14th, 2017
Similar Subjects
Comments (59)

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #11 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.

Kristina Rinell
Thanks, Karen, for the feature of 'Proposal Rock' in 'Lady Photographers and Artists' ... greatly appreciated :-)