The Tulip House

by Kristina Rinell
The Tulip House
Kristina Rinell
Photograph - Digital Photography
This house on Beach Drive in Oak Bay, Victoria, BC is surrounded by tulips in flaming colors. It started in 1992 with a small bed of tulips, today the house is home to 8700 tulips and has reached its full flower capacity.
Honored to be featured
in these FAA Galleries:
- Roses And Tulips, June 2017
- All Arts of ALL Kind, June 2017
- ART - It Is Good For You, June 2017
- Abc Group - B Is For Building Exterior, July 2017
- Lady Photographers and Artists, September 2017
- No Place Like Home, February 2018
- 10 Plus, June 2019
A heartfelt Thank You to the administrators of these galleries :-)
©Kristina Rinell
June 19th, 2017
Similar Subjects
Comments (80)

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #11 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.

Kristina Rinell
Thanks, Jenny, for the feature of 'The Tulip House' in 'No Place Like Home' ... greatly appreciated :-)

Marian Bell
This is gorgeous, Kristina! I don't think I'd be able to leave there as long as the tulips are in bloom! l/f

Ann Horn
Wonderful the way that spectacular landscaping engulfs the charming house, Kristina. Well seen and photographed beautifully. f/l/tw

Kristina Rinell
Thanks, Karen, for the feature of 'The Tulip House' in 'Lady Photographers and Artists' ... I am honored :-)